The Republican Project
P.O. Box 302
Bridgton, Maine 04009
Welfare Abuse Reform for Maine- UPDATE!
Support pending legislation that will begin to make welfare programs better for the recipient and taxpayer!!
UPDATE 3/16/09
Since we sent out this call to action two weeks ago, we have received over 50 letters that we will submit to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services at the beginning of the public hearings.
Ten people have committed to attending the hearings to provide personal testimony in support of this bill.
Unfortunately, this is NOT enough!!
Our goal is to have over 200 letters for submission, and 50 people or more committed to appearing before the Committee.
This is where the rubber hits the road, fellow Republicans. If we are to enjoy any success in promoting action that we favor and support, we MUST do the same things the opposition does to move their agenda items through the system.
Please, write a letter, and if at all possible commit to appear at the public hearing!
Legislation Highlights:
Welfare Reform in Maine, LD 254.
This bill is designed to reform Maine welfare by:
Establishing a 90-day residency requirement for program eligibility
Provide tax credits for employers who employ welfare recipients for at least 20 hours per week
Reduce the penalties now incurred by recipients when they take a job
Adjust recipient's benefits in a better manner to reflect earned income
Limit lifetime welfare benefits for adults to a maximum of five years
How can you help?
Please write a letter to the Health and Human Services Committee expressing your support for this bill. The letters do not have to be long- just an expression of your views. You can find sample letters on The Republican Project website www.republicanproject.org.
Send your signed letter to The Republican Project, P.O. Box 302, Bridgton, Maine 04009. You can scan and email your letter as well. Members of The Republican Project will hand-deliver your letters to the HHS Committee at the public hearings for this initiative. Letters should be addressed to:
"Honorable Members of the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services" and must include your name and address.
Resolve to attend the public hearings in Augusta. Nothing makes as powerful a statement as a concerned citizen taking time out of their schedule to go to the State House and verbally express their opinions to their legislators
NOTE: The date(s) for the hearing have not been set yet- we will notify everyone once the dates are announced.
Notify The Republican Project of your willingness to attend the public hearings. Once the hearing dates are scheduled and announced, you will be contacted by The Republican Project.
Your letters in support of Welfare Reform for Maine, along with any questions can be sent to Ryan McCabe (ryan.mccabe@republicanproject.org) who is coordinating this effort for The Republican Project.
Own the Elephant!
The Republican Project has recently procured some items featuring our logo that we will send to supporters based upon the contribution amounts below:
$25- The Republican Project 4x6 Oval Vinyl Sticker
$50- The Republican Project Button and Sticker
$75- The Republican Project Khaki Ball Cap (shown right)
Over $75- All of the above
Please consider making your contribution to support The Republican Project today. Thank you!
Are you asking Mainer's to require that a person actually live in Maine for 90-days before they get on our welfare dole?...how cruel and heartless! Is this the kind of message Maine wants to send to out-of-state migrants looking for a hand-out?
You must not be a Mainer. You must be on our welfare system.
If I were the one in charge, I would make it 3 years, not 90 days.
It was sort of interesting that you used the term "hand-out".
This would be a start but, there is so much more cutting that needs to be done to the welfare system. There is definately something wrong when a 25 year old healthly woman, with no children can receive full welfare benefits and a single mother of 2 who works at a full time job making 12.00 can not get anything.
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