Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can it be true?

The last few days brought news that the Blue Hill Memorial Hospital was closing its OB/GYN Department- A Birthing Center.

They were unable to raise enough private funds to keep the doors open. Can you believe this? Only able to raise about $150,000 of a needed $600,000 to keep the doors open for another year, therefore there are now another 15 healthcare professionals losing their jobs in this part of the State.

Now here is the kicker- The reason they needed to raise private funds to cover this $600,000 is because MaineCare hasnt made its MILLIONS of dollars of payments. Can it be true?

Not only is it true, but this isnt the ONLY MAINE hospital that is feeling the pinch. MaineCare has a $65M SHORTFALL and this is a conservative figure- some say it larger...Can this be True!?

It is true! MaineCare has not paid Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to YOUR Maine Hospitals over the last several years!

But dont worry...(sarcastic pause), they are planning to fill the shortfall with Federal Stimulus dollars... Can this be True?

How did this happen? Was it this super great billing system that still doesnt work and cost Mainers millions?

This has to be fixed, but where to start?
And I can think of a many other programs that can be STARTED with Fed Stimulus Dollars instead of FIXING an embarassment.

Where is the accountability? And dont even get me started on AIG Bonuses with Bailout funds.



Anonymous said...

Believe it! It is true, and sorry, don't count on the "Gov" to use the Pelosi bailout cash to pay the MaineCare debt... those taxpayer's dollars are surely earmarked for his failing Dirigo Health plan!

Anonymous said...

Last week the Governor announced that it was paying back all these past settlements with stimulus funds. Blue Hill and others will receive all back payments. Read the news!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, the "Gov" is going to use the Pelosi bailout money to settle MaineCare payouts that should have never been approved to begin with. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over! Oh, but I forget... the POINT of liberalism/neo-communism is "pay based on ability to pay / take based on need" Or put another way: Reward the lazy and charge it to the working-class.

Maine Government News